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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
23/11/2012 12:54:39

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Edner Franck received the "Meritorious Award"
The Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) congratulates Franck Edner following its installation as an honorary member of the Illinois State soccer Club. Mr. Frank received from the the association the title of "Meritorious Award" for his contribution during 36 years to the athletic preparation of young people, especially those of the Haitian community in Chicago.

Concert of the great Haitian violinist Mr. Romel Joseph
As part of the Day of Human Rights, the Permanent Mission of Haiti to Geneva (Switzerland) invites the Haitian Community and Friends of Haiti to attend, December 10, 2012, at a concert of the great Haitian violinist Mr. Romel Joseph who will be accompanied of Victoria Joseph and of Lona Lupascu, pianist, at the Palais des Nations in Room XXI. To attend the concert call the Mission of Haiti (022 732 7628). The Mission proposes to facilitate their access to the United Nations compound.

Rice prices could fall
Thursday, Wilson Laleau, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, informed in a ress conference that the price of rice could be downgraded in the next few days. He invited all the major importers of essential products, to work together for the good of the Haitian economy. In addition, the Minister has also announced its intention to support SMEs to enable them to improve their operations.

Launching of the Sectorial Table on Environment
The Ministry of the Environment has proceeded on Thursday at the Hotel Montana, to the aunch of the Sectorial Table on Environment (TSE) A measure aimed at the implementation of Framework Decree of 2005 on the Management of the Environment, of the regulation and conduct of citizens for sustainable development. This sectorial table, will allow to set the broad guidelines in terms environmental and effectively address the various concerns on a participatory basis.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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