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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/11/2012 12:56:14

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Reallocations of budgetary appropriations
To assist victims of the recent floods, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, decided Thursday to partially freeze, the credits of item of budget, in order to define a new orientation of public spending. In this context, the Government has already initiated a series of studies aimed at reducing the vulnerability of the population and to prevent further major climatic events.

Jazz Concert with Mushy Widmaier and Jean Caze
Saturday, November 17th at 8:00 pm at Villatte [12 Villatte street in Petion-ville] the Foundation Haiti Jazz offers a concert of Mushy Widmaïer and Jean Caze to support the activities of "Kay Mizik la"

Bill on the committees of Watershed Management
Thursday, the Ministries of Agriculture and of the Environment launched a brainstorming workshop on watershed management. During this workshop, a draft law on the structuring of watershed committees was presented. Jean Vilmond Hilaire, the Minister for the Environment, said that this bill will be filed shortly to the 2 Chambers in order to make legal the committees of watershed management.

Cost and towing abusive ?
In its 44th report, the National Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace questions "A new practice of towing of cars parked badly is to be considered as a kind of organized theft. Despite the poverty level of citizens, for no reason, the vehicle is towed and the owner sentenced to pay 4.000 Gourdes to the traffic officers," the organization wonders about the use of this sum outside any administrative framework.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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