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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
05/11/2012 13:08:06

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
"Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, Equality and Disability"
Dimitri Afgoustidis, psychologist, philosopher, trainer at the National Superior Institute of Research and Training for the Education of Young Disabled and the Adapted Teachings (INSHEA) will give a lecture at the French Institute in Haiti, around the theme "Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, Equality and Disability" What is our point of view on the persons with disabilities ? What is their status, what place they occupy in our society ? Can we speak of equal rights, equal opportunities ? These questions will be addressed during this intervention. Wednesday, November 7 at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free. 99, Avenue Lamartiniere, Bois Verna Port-au-Prince.

The Consul of New York with the diaspora
Following the passage of Sandy which resulted in heavy damage in the State of New York, the Consul General of the Republic of Haiti in New York, Mr. Charles A. Forbin, visits the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, located in Cambria Heights, Queens, in order to express his solidarity with our compatriots, which constitute a large part of the faithful of the Church. This visit of the Consul General, after the passage of Sandy, is the first in a series that he will make in other areas of his constituency.

New contingent of Chilean military engineers...
A contingent of troops from the School of Military Engineering Tejas Verdes (Chile), was chosen to travel to Haiti in January 2013 to work for 6 months, in the squadron of engineers binational, Ecuador and Chile. In the coming months, those selected will follow an intense training session, to prepare them to face each of the challenges to which they will be confront. This contingent will replace the one already in place, which ends its mission.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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