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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
24/10/2012 15:37:31

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Objective of the program Ti-Maman Cheri is doubled !
The Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe during his visit in a radio of North said about the program "Ti-Maman Cheri" "[...] We will go across the country, the idea is that there are 200.000 mothers... We wanted 100,000, but the way we see how things work, we believe that we will seek funding to put 200.000 mothers in the program Ti-Maman Cheri. This is an initiative that the government take, to really help people who have nothing..."

The Ministry of Tourism is playing the role of facilitator...
The Investment Department of the Ministry of Tourism plays its role of facilitator of investments. A second working meeting was held on Tuesday 23 October to the Ministry with the group Gestasa and some stakeholders about the obstacles to the mplementation of investment projects of the group in the north.

Upcoming opening of an office of CFI in Artbonite
During a work session the General Directorate of Investment Facilitation Center (CFI) with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and of Professions of the Artibonite decided to open an office of the CFI in Gonaives during the month of November. After the training period of the technician at the central office, for two weeks, there will be the official opening of the Directorate of CFI in Artibonite. Thus, entrepreneurs will no longer be forced to go to Port-au-Prince for filing their documents, in order to receive incentives.

Inauguration in Marigot, of a clinic "Smile"
Last week, the Haitian Minister of Health, Ms Florence D. Guillaume inaugurated a "smile" clinic in Marigot (Southeast Haiti) on October 19. These maternity clinics save the lives of pregnant women and babies in Haiti. Three have already been inaugurated in the past month, They
are the result of a partnership between the Haitian Ministry of Health and other partners, such as UNICEF, UNOPS and UNFPA.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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