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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
19/08/2012 14:31:03

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
OPH commits in the way of the modernization
The Haiti Post Office (OPH) under the leadership of the new Director, Ms. Régine Godfrey commits in the way of the modernization and computerization of customs services of verification, taxation and invoicing of mail, in order to be at the same rank that all international postal institutions and provide customers with quality service, reliable, fast and economical by restoring the foundations necessary for the proper functioning of the mail processing center offered by the UPU in July 2010... It was time...

10 greenhouses for APFCK of Furcy
Friday, the Agricultural departmental Directorate of the West gave to Furcy [Kenscoff locality], 10 greenhouses of 72 m2 equipped with an irrigation system for the Association of Producers of Cut Flowers of Kenscoff (APFCK). The APFCK ho already had 10 greenhouses, has chosen the 'culture in floor' vegetable flowers.

The members of the CSPJ are justiciable
Reacting to the statement this week of Me Alix Civil, Member of the Superior Council of the Judicial Power (CSPJ) selected by the Minister of Justice, who had declared that the members of CSPJ could not be prosecuted before any court. Me Carlos Hercules, the President of the Bars Federation of Haiti (FBH) declared "He does not know of what he speaks. He has perhaps not read, or if he read it, he did not understand the Article 12 of the law establishing the CSPJ which clearly states that any member of the Council may be prosecuted for any serious fault committed in the exercise of its functions [...]"

HL/ HaitiLibre

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