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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/07/2012 19:36:16

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Signatures of the framework agreement NGO-DINEPA
3 NGOs : Malteser International, Terre des Hommes Lausannes and Mercy corps, have signed this week the framework agreement with the National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation (DINEPA). The framework agreement is a mechanism that regulates the cooperation between NGOs working in the field of Water Supply and Sanitation (EPA) in Haiti and the DINEPA. Launched in April 2011, more than a dozen NGOs have already signed the agreement. The aim of the collaboration between DINEPA and the NGOs is to contribute to improve the living conditions in Haiti, by the EPA sector development, in order to increase qualitatively and quantitatively the access to services while ensuring compatibility and sustainability of the interventions concerned.

Free after 50 days in a Haitian prison
After having spent 50 days in a Haitian prison, Jason Petrie [aka Zeke] is back home in Barberton "I'm real tired [...] There are not many places worse in the world than prison in Port-au-Prince [...] The only thing that could have made that experience worse is if I would have been tortured." Petrie said that the government had accused him [without evidence] to be part of a "conspiracy to overthrow the government" while he was assisting in fact foreign journalists (as a translator and driver) on the day he was arrested. Regarding his return to Hait, Petrie declared "I've been strongly advised to not come back..." https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-6075-haiti-justice-release-of-two-americans-jailed-in-haiti.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5702-haiti-security-2-americans-arrested-in-the-incidents-of-friday.html

Explosion in the laboratory Pharval
Friday, Wilson Jeudy announced that a accidental explosion had happened in laboratories Pharval [Boulos family property] in Delmas. Welding operations and human negligence would be at the origin of a fire in a supply of chemicals, stored in the pharmaceutical laboratory. The two welders were slightly injured.

The OAVCT moved its offices to Tabarrre
The General Directorate of the Office of Vehicle Insurance Against Third Party (OAVCT), nform the General public and vehicle owners in particular that the Central Bureau is transferred to Tabarre (U.S. Embassy area) from Monday, July 16, 2012. The service finding (service de constat) is still available at the Charles Sumner Avenue. The OAVCT relies on the understanding and cooperation of all.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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