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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
26/06/2012 15:02:24

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Construction of an elevated road to Delmas
Jacques Rousseau, the Minister of Public Works, has announced that work for the construction of the first elevated road, in the Delmas neighborhood should begin before the end of the year. This road, will start between Delmas 17 and 19 to finish at the Martin Luther King Avenue (Nazon).

Electrification of Sylvio Cator stadium
To host the Group A of the Caribbean area, from July 3 to 10, counting for the first phase of qualifiers for the FIFA U-17, the local football officials together with FIFA are working hard to complete the electrification of the Sylvio Cator stadium (lighting for night games). After 12 months of delay, work is being finalized and lighting should be tested a few days before the start of qualifying for the FIFA U-17.

The gourde, worries...
The Deputy Rodon Bien-Aimé is concerned by the depreciation of the gourd against the U.S. dollar. According to him the negative of trade balance, the non-compliance with commitments made by donors and the return in large part in donor countries, of funds disbursed for the reconstruction, explain the bad behavior of the gourde against the U.S. dollar.

Formation of a Constitutional Court
Ady Jean-Gardy, Minister of Communications announced Friday the formation of a Constitutional Court with the task of interpreting the various articles of the Constitution.

325 young people to strengthen the health system
Florence Duperval Guillaume, Minister of Public Health and Population has announced that 325 young people were selected by competition to work towards the strengthening of the health system in Haiti. These young come from the municipalities of Paillant, Carrefour, Gonaïves, Croix-des-Bouquets and Aquin.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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