Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 16/06/2012 13:22:15 Due to the absence of the Prime Minister on tour in the United States, the Supreme Council of National Police CSPN requested the postponement to a later date, of the convocation scheduled for this Friday, by the Commission Justice and Security of the Lower House, confirmed Emmanuel Fritz-Gérald Bourjolly, the President of the Commission. Edo proposes an intelligence service The Senator Edwin Zeny (EDO), close to the government and friend of President Martelly, informed that he had made proposals to the Government concerning the creation of an intelligence service within the National Police. A service, who according to the Senator, could play an important role in the maintenance of security throughout the territory. He believes that the Government could soon submit for approval a bill to allow the establishment of this service information. Decentralization, Mayard-Paul, in Hinche Thursday, Me Thierry Mayard-Paul, the Minister of Interior, went to Hinche to officially launch the national program of decentralization "Katye Pa'm Poze" (KPP). Hinche is the 8th city in the 11 targeted to have received the visit of Minister who took the opportunity to meet representatives of CASEC and of ASEC of Department of Centre ; visit the Departmental Directorate ; inaugurated the installation of an "Atmospheric Water Generator" at St. Joseph Hospital in Fort-Liberté inaugurated the installation of an "Atmospheric Water Generator" at St. Joseph Hospital in Fort-Liberté and visit the orphanage "Maison Fortune". 12 bands already identified for the "Carnival of Flowers" The President Martelly, met last week at the hotel "Ibo Lele", musicians around the organization of the Carnival of Flowers to be held on 29, 30 and 31 July 2012, in Port-au-Prince on the area of the Champs de Mars, whose site will be rehabilitated to host the festivities For the Head of State the "Carnival can offer great support to the economy," arguing that this initiative is a good idea contrary to what critics think. 12 bands have already been selected to participate in the festivities : T-Vice, Djakout # 1, T-Micky, Vwadèzil, Brothers Posse, Kreyòl-la, Nou krezi, Carimi, Ram, Rockfam et Baricad Crew. J-Perry et Team Lobèy. $9 million for people with special needs On June 19, 2012, will take place the launch of the program "Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Disabled People in Haiti", this program comes from a call for proposals from USAID for an amount of 9 million U.S. dollars, for the benefit of sector of persons with special needs in Haiti. HL/ HaitiLibre
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