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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
18/05/2012 14:14:42

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Message from the Consulate of Orlando on the occasion of Flag Day
The Head of Mission of the Consulate of Haiti in Orlando, the Consul Alex Jospitre, presents to all Haitians in general especially to the Members of the Haitian Community in his Jurisdiction his best wishes on the occasion of the 209th anniversary of the Haitian Flag. "The Consul Jospitre wants this May 18, 2012 to be a joyful day but also a day of reflection that reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice of our forefathers and awakes in us this Patriotism and Haitian Pride that made us the first free black Nation in the history of Humanity. In our union we found the strength to conquer our independence, today in our union still, we will find the strength to rebuild together our dear Country. May our Motto in our Flag be our compass. May God bless Haiti."

Moïse announces the delivery of inquiry report on nationality...
The senator Jean Charles Moïse announces that the Commission responsible for investigating the nationality of members of the Government [whose the Head of State and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe] is finalizing its report to deliver it next week. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5612-haiti-politic-the-senator-moise-prepares-actively-the-next-part-of-the-saga-of-nationalities.html

5 deputies will observe the elections in the Dominican Republic
A delegation of five deputies will be this Friday in the Dominican Republic to observe the first round of presidential of this country [Sunday, May 20] and draw lessons on the political transition in the neighboring country. Moreover, this delegation will finalize the last details for the arrival of 80 young Haitians who receive a scholarship of one year in penitentiary administration.

The investigation in the contracts will continue...
The new Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe announced that the investigation in the contracts by mutual agreement under the government Préval-Bellerive, initiated by former Prime Minister Dr. Garry Conille, will continue under the new Government Martelly-Lamothe.

Major projects of the CONATEL
The National Telecommunications Council (CONATEL) draws attention on the opening of several projects to modernize the telecommunications sector, namely: the national backbone, the national and international connectivity, the regional digital development, the universal service and regulation of the legal framework.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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