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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
15/05/2012 13:37:15

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Strike of lawyers of Croix-des-Bouquets
Following the arrest, by order of the Commissioner of Government Mario Beauvoir, their colleagues Me Eddy Joseph, Rigaud Saint-Pierre and Jean O. Paul, the lawyers of the bar of Croix des Bouquets stopped working in protest, since last Friday.

The lower house vote the Law on Banks
After being voted in the Senate on March 13, the Law on Banks and other financial institutions was voted in the Lower House, 69 votes for, 0 against and 1 abstention shortly before the beginning of the presentation of the Statement of Policy General of the Prime Minister ratified, Laurent Lamothe and of the presentation of the new cabinet, which was concluded with a positive vote 70 in favor, 6 against and 3 abstentions.

First edition of the gastronomic fair
The "Collège les Normaliens Réunis" (CNR) [founded in 1973] as a prelude to the celebration of Flag Day, organizes next Thursday, the first edition of the food fair "maman doudou". "This day is an opportunity for "young people to continue learning to cultivate patriotic values​​, while promoting local food," declared Nathaelle Buteau Mathurin, Executive Director of the CNR.

The Consulate of New York congratulates the Prime Minister Lamothe
The Consulate General of the Republic of Haïti in New York congratulates His Excellency, Mr. Laurent Lamothe on his accession to the Primature of the Republic of Haïti.

New Director of Customs to Port-de-Paix
The customs of Port-de-Paix, has a new director since last Friday, Mr. Profane Victor that comes from the customs Belladère was installed to this position during a ceremony. He replaces Mr. Vladimir Thermitus, which after only 6 months in office, was transferred to Miragoâne.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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