Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 13/05/2012 14:27:00 On the occasion of first anniversary of the swearing in of Michel Martelly, as President of the Republic, Monday, May 14, two official activities will be organized in Port-au-Prince. At 10:00 am, at the Champs de Mars, the Head of State, will lay a wreath, during a ceremony, t the feet of "Marron Inconnu" and will light the eternal flame. In the afternoon at 4:00 pm, the President Martelly will proceed to the Inauguration of the renovation of the Gymnasium Vincent [Ruelle Riomain] which was built under President Stenio Vincent, which was heavily damaged during the earthquake of January 12, 2010. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-3113-haiti-reconstruction-the-president-martelly-to-the-gymnasium-vincent.html Joseph Lambert special political adviser of President Martelly ? According to some sources [not officially confirmed] former Sen. Joseph Lambert was appointed special political adviser of President Martelly. In addition, Joseph Lambert announced on a radio station in the South, that he will be candidate at the next senatorial elections, and that he wanted to get re-elected and return to the Senate to finish the job he started... The coordinator of the OPL wants to leave the Alternative... The professor Sauveur Pierre Etienne, National Coordinator of the Struggling People's Organization (OPL), an organization that brings the largest number of MPs in the Alternative platform, indicated that he had took his distance with the platform because of non respect of the decisions taken by Alternative, by former Senator and President of Fusion, Edmonde Supplice Beauzile. He accuses the President of Fusion [who had been represented on the day of the vote in the Senate] to have made a pact with the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe during the massive vote of ratification in the Senate, of the Government's General Policy. The decision of Coordinator, issued as personal, however, must still be approved in the coming days, by members of the national coordination of the party. If this position is approved, the departure of the OPL from the platform Alternative will not be without consequences for the other two policy components (KID and Fusion) or even for the future of Alternative. HL/ HaitiLibre
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