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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
26/04/2012 15:11:24

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Repair works of the water system, in Gonaïves
The National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation (DINEPA) informs the population of Gonaïves in particular that following the shortage of drinking water recorded in this city, all measures have been made for the start of works of reparation and for and for restarting the network in the coming days. DINEPA states that the shortage was due to shortcomings on the work funded by the European Union made previously and theft of electrical transformers at the pumping station.

Senator Polycarpe doubt of the diagnosis of doctors of the President
The Senator and Dr. Wetzner Polycarpe refuses to admit that the President was suffering from a pulmonary embolism as asserted the office of the Presidency. "You do not recover overnight from a pulmonary embolism," said the Senator who plans to ask the Senate office, that he officially demands to the presidency, the accurate diagnosis of disease of the Head of State and to give the approximate duration of temporary disability of the President to lead the country... The Senate Health Committee has addressed Wednesday a letter to the President of the National Assembly requesting the formation of a special Bicameral Commission responsible for visiting the President in convalescence in Florida. Earlier this week, Lucien Jura the spokesman of the presidency, had indicated that they are malicious people who try to make believe the contrary by disseminating false rumors about the health of President Martelly.

Avis of the National Old-Age Insurance
The Directorate General of the National Old-Age Insurance, remind everyone that the money paid to the National Office by contributors whether employed or boss is set aside to be useful when hey can no longer work, it is a pension fund. The ONA reminds all contributors that his mission is to ensure their old age after 55 years and 20 years of contributions, and for this reason the ONA informs all those who have made ​​loans on the amount of their contributions that if they do not repay in the deadlines, they will create a situation that will not be in their interest nor in that of the ONA. Stressing that borrowing money is good, not to reimburse it is mortgaging its future.

Training in the management of drug addicts
As part of the implementation of the national strategy against drugs [2010-2015], trainers from Canada, Peru and Colombia, will give a training seminar on the management, treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. This seminar lasting 10 days, designed for health personnel and social workers, is jointly organized by the National Commission for Fight against Drugs (CONALD) in collaboration with the United Nations Office against Drugs and PAHO/WHO. Me Camille Junior Edouard, Coordinator of the CONALD also announced the construction of the first Centre for Addiction in Haiti, which is scheduled to open next June.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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