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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
20/04/2012 13:48:50

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Free care or preferential prices for 500 disabled
Thursday, April 19, at Saint James Hospital of DASH in Martissant 4, the Office of the Secretary of State for Integration of Persons with Disabilities (BSEIPH) has proceeded with the signing of an agreement with leaders of Development of Activities of Health in Haiti (DASH). The agreement aims to provide free medical care or at a discounted price to 500 people with disabilities through the network of hospitals run by the organization DASH.

The success of the program of free education exceeds the forecast
The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) has informed Wednesday of the progress of Universal Schooling Program, Free and Compulsory (PSUGO), initiated by the initiated by President Michel Martelly. 8.854 schools are involved in the program [1.392 public schools and 7.462 private schools]. Of these, 329 public schools were established in order to meet the demand and 4,294 teachers were recruited on contract to this effect. Officials estimate that the project far exceeds the 900.000 students enrolled planned by the presidency for the first year of launch, and that we speak now of more than one million students including nearly 170.000 enrolled for the first time.

Visit of Minister of the Interior at the Consulate of Haiti in Miami
Me Thierry Mayard-Paul, the Minister of Interior, Local Authorities went Wednesday at the Consulate of Haiti in Miami, to make a visit to the employees of Immigration. During his visit the Minister reviewed the available facilities and discussed of the upcoming structural adjustments to be made the Immigration Bureau of the Consulate. He also saw the important and the urgent necessity to fundamentally change these services to better meet the needs.

Week of open-heart surgery in Haiti
French doctors of the NGO "Chain of Hope" began since Monday in Haiti a series of open-heart surgery for children from poor families reported the Professor Alain Deloche, heart surgeon at the Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris. American doctors of the organization Open heart participate in this operation to which Haitian doctors attend. During this week, 15 young Haitians will be thus saved thanks to the intervention of the French NGO that works in partnership in Haiti with the clinic of the Foundation "Shen Lespwa" led by Dr. Margaret Degand. According to Dr. Deloche, close to 30,000 people suffer from cardiovascular problems in Haiti, while there is no specialized hospitals in the country.

190 gun deaths in the last quarter...
In its 42nd report released this month, for the period January to March 2012, the National Episcopal Commission Justice and Peace (JILAP), states that it recorded 190 gun deaths for the only metropolitan area. JILAP note a slight decrease of the victims compared to the previous quarter in which, 203 deaths were recorded by bullets. During the last quarter 4 policemen were killed (6 in the previous quarter). The Episcopal Commission regrets that the statements and promises of the authorities on the insecurity did not allowed to improve the situation in the metropolitan area.

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