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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/04/2012 15:36:34

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
If Laurent Lamothe is Prime Minister...
Foreign Affairs Minister, Laurent Lamothe, candidate nominated to the Primature said that if he becomes Prime Minister of Haiti he will make the fight against poverty the focus of his government "...the fight against extreme poverty, this is what will be the focal point of our government, and all that will happen around will have as objective either directly or indirectly, the fight to reduce the poverty that afflicts more than 60% of Haitians [...] the fight against kidnapping and crime in general, will also be our priority [...] I think so that we can have a rule of law, investment and job creation, the first aspect, it is the will at the highest level. I can tell you that all will be there [...] to bring the security climate in the country so that everyone can live normally in the country. That ourselves the State, we took our provisions, our responsibilities with the security forces that we have on site, to secure the population [...]"

Venezuelan Ambassador confident in the future of Haiti
Venezuelan Ambassador Antonio Pedro Gonzalez Canino, finds the dynamism of the Government Martelly and believes that the future of Haiti will finally lead to its development "...we see a very dynamic government, the President Martelly is very interested by the Haitian people, we wish that the Chancellor, to become Prime Minister, he is a man also very dynamic, intelligent and organized as the President Martelly. They will do a lot of movement in an intelligent way, with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, they will seek cooperation for the development of the nation, and we believe that the future of Haiti will inally lead to its development, it is our greatest desire..."

Next summit of the Caribbean in Haiti
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama informed in a statement that the date of the fifth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) was provisionally scheduled for July 27, 2012 in Haiti. The Association of Caribbean States has 31 members and seven associate states.

Inauguration of a Youth Centre in Tabarre-Tigalette
During his official visit last week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife, Margarita Zavala, have accompanied the President and founder of Messenger of Peace, Father Angel Garcia in the opening ceremony of a Centre for young people located in the neighborhood of Tabarre-Tigalette. This center is composed of 3 main pavilions [education, health and residential] and a chapel, an administration building and recreation areas, Mexican institutions such as the "Alliance for Mexico Haiti" or "Fomento Social Banamex," were the main financial supporters of this project which cost $ 1.6 million. "These children currently living in camps will, from now, a place to live and study," said Father Angel Garcia.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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