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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
27/03/2012 14:08:10

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Nomination of Interim Management Board of the University "Roi Henri Christophe"
The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti named, the interim management board to lead the new University "Roi Henry Christophe" [to Limonade]. This Council is composed of Dr. Jean-Marie Théodat (President) former head of the AUF for the Caribbean, of professors : Jusnerd Nelson (Member), Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Cap-Haitien, Fénol Metellus (member), Rector of the public University of North, and Nyll Calixte (member), Director of the School of Law of Fort Liberté. No installation date has been set.

Women wish the ratification of Laurent Lamothe
Over 300 women gathered under the Platform Conscience for the Development of Carrefour Sunday called on parliamentarians to ratify the Prime Minister-designate, Laurent Lamothe. Mirlène Théramène, Coordinator of the Platform stated that the Minister Lamothe since his installation had worked to change the situation of women in the country and that he have all the skills and determination to hold this position.

Only 7% of the funding appeal has been funded...
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is deeply concerned about the underfunding of critical needs for emergency response. Since its launch in December 2011, the Consolidated Global Appeal (CAP) of 2012, of an amount of $231 million, was funded only up to 7%. With this level of funding, the humanitarian community will not be able to provide the necessary support to the Haitian government to prepare for the rainy season and hurricane season...

Change of Command at the level of the force of the Minustah
This Tuesday, March 27, at Camp Charlie (Base of the Brazilian battalion Brabat I) will take place Change of Command at the level of the force of the Minustah. The Force Commander of UN Mission, Major General General Luiz Eduardo Ramos Baptista Pereira, will transmit the command to his successor Major General Rodriguez Fernando Goulart.

Publication of "Presse écrite et langue française en Haïti"
The teacher and journalist Mick Robert Arisma, Chair of Journalism at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics has published a book "Presse écrite et langue française en Haïti" (Written press and French language in Haiti) which provided an update on the reports of Haitian journalists of the written press with the society served and the two official languages "The first merit of the work of Mick Robert Arisma is that it is not limited to the realm of strict linguistic activism. Analyzes it contains are based consistently on the close relationship between language and the society hat generates jobs. This is where lies its didactic value, which fully justifies that its use is recommended for the study of French in the relations it has with the language and the Creole culture in Haiti." (Robert Damoiseau, Professor Emeritus, University of the Antilles and Guyana)

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