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iciHaiti - Health : Insecurity threatens the country's cholera response
21/03/2025 09:39:03

iciHaiti - Health : Insecurity threatens the country's cholera response
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) remains concerned about the potential spread of cholera in Haiti, with new suspected cases being reported daily.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 900 suspected cases of cholera and four active outbreaks are currently being monitored in the communes of Cité Soleil and Arcahaie, in the Ouest department, and in the communes of Mirebalais and Saut d’Eau, in the Centre department.

In Cité Soleil, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, more than 100 suspected cases have been reported over the past three weeks. The deteriorating security situation has hampered access for surveillance teams and response efforts, raising concerns about undetected community transmission.

The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) are jointly combating the epidemic by providing medicines and medical equipment to the cholera treatment center at Fontaine Hospital in Cité Soleil and installing rehydration and chlorination points.

Funding for essential water, sanitation, and hygiene services is particularly low : only US$3.6 million (4.1%) of the required $87 million has been received. Furthermore, less than 30% of health facilities nationwide have beds, and just over 40% of health facilities in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area are fully operational.

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