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iciHaiti - School inclusion : Teachers trained in Braille and sign language
02/02/2025 09:37:38

iciHaiti - School inclusion : Teachers trained in Braille and sign language
The Ministry of National Education, through the Commission for School Adaptation and Social Support (CASAS), is organizing, with the financial support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), a 5-day training seminar on "Braille" and sign language, in the service of school inclusion.

This seminar, which brings together around thirty participants from nearly fifteen educational institutions in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince, takes place from January 31 to February 28 (every Friday).

Strengthening the skills of teachers in specialized schools that welcome blind, partially sighted or deaf children, in order to better support students living with these disabilities, is one of the priority objectives of this training.

Through this approach, the Ministry aims to transform ordinary teachers into inclusive teachers, through continuing and specialized training. In fact, it is a question of working towards one of the aims of school inclusion, namely : the academic success of all children by striving not to leave anyone behind.

"We cannot talk about inclusive education and school inclusion without transforming ordinary teachers into inclusive teachers," declared Louis Pierre Janvier, Coordinator of CASAS, before recalling that the Law on the integration of persons with disabilities, in its chapter 5, devoted to education, requires the Ministry of National Education to provide training in Braille and sign language for all teachers in the system and administrative staff.

"We note that many teachers, even in specialized schools, or even teachers in ordinary schools, do not always have the skills necessary to effectively teach Braille and practice sign language. This leads to huge gaps in these students' learning and school integration."

IH/ S/ iciHaiti

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