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iciHaiti - MMSS : Commitments multiply at the UN
27/09/2024 08:55:12

iciHaiti - MMSS : Commitments multiply at the UN
As part of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, several new commitments to the Mission in Haiti were announced, including :

Partial list of new commitments to the Mission :

  • Canada and Germany have confirmed that they will contribute more money to the UN Trust Fund for the Mission (amount to be specified);
  • The European Union will provide between €5 million and €10 million to the Mission in Haiti;
  • Guatemala commits to deploying 150 police officers to Haiti;
  • Argentina will send 60 police officers to Haiti and will donate a mobile hospital and a water treatment center;
  • Chile is considering providing planes and boats to monitor the Haitian coast;
  • Suriname has pledged troops but the number has yet to be specified;
  • South Korea to provide funds and equipment by January 2025 (details unknown);

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