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iciHaiti - Diaspora : 8 Haitian films, including 6 premieres, not to be missed
19/09/2024 10:34:44

iciHaiti - Diaspora : 8 Haitian films, including 6 premieres, not to be missed
The 20th Montreal International Black Film Festival, created by the Fabienne Colas Foundation, is being held in Montreal from September 25 to 29 in person and online. The festival is programming a selection of African, Caribbean, African-American and Black Canadian films.

A dynamic, refreshing and bold festival that aims to foster the development of the independent film industry and showcase more films about the realities of Black people around the world. A new look at Black cinema from all four corners of the world

8 Haitian films not to be missed :

Premiere :

Thursday, September 26, 7:00 p.m. Cinema du Musée
"LE DERNIER REPAS", by Maryse Legagneur
Main actors: Gilbert Laumord, Fabrice Yvanoff Sénat, Marie-Evelyne Lessard, Mireille Métellus, Jean Jean. (Screening followed by a discussion)

$15. Tickets, Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/movie/le-dernier-repas-the-last-meal/

Friday, September 27, 7:00 p.m., Cinéma Quartier Latin
"LAKAY NOU", Created by Frédéric Pierre
Main actors: Frédéric Pierre, Catherine Souffront, Mireille Métellus, Fayolle Jean, Yardley Kavannah, Richardson Zéphir. (Screening followed by a discussion)

$12. Tickets, Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/movie/lakay-nou-season-1-ep-1/

Friday, Sept. 27, 8:30 p.m., Concordia Theatre
"KIDNAPPING", by Bruno Mourral
Main actors: Jasmuel Andri, Rolaphton Mercure, Anabel Lopez, Ashley Laraque, Gessica Généus, Patrick Joseph. Creole, French, with English subtitles. (Screening followed by a discussion)

$15. Tickets, Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/movie/kidnapping-inc/

Saturday, Sept. 28, 5:00 p.m. Cinéma du Musée,
"COMBLER L’ÉCART" (Closing the Gap), Jean-Addlaire Gaëtan & N'tchidjè Doumbia
Main participants: Director and directors BNFIN/IACNC: Tropicana Community Services, BBI, Groupe 3737 and Africa). (Screening followed by a discussion). NB: This film also features participants of Haitian origin.

$15 or online. Tickets, Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/en/movie/combler-lecart-closing-the-gap-2/

Saturday, Sept. 28, 5:00 p.m., Cinéma Quartier Latin
"LES ÂMES BOSSALES", by François Perlier

$12 or online. (Short film series: 5 films for $12). Tickets, Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/movie/les-ames-bossales-the-soul-of-the-bossales/

Saturday, Sept. 28, 7:00 p.m., Cinéma du Parc,
Main actors: Ralph Prosper, Alex Biro, Nisha Coleman, Samia Salomon.

$12 or online. Tickets, Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/movie/someones-trying-to-get-in/

In retrospective : (in the Neighborhoods)

Friday, September 27, 3:00 p.m. Cinéma Public,
"CETTE MAISON", by Myriam Charles

Cinéma Public, Free admission. Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/movie/cette-maison/

Saturday, September 28, 6:30 p.m. Maison d'Haïti,
"KANAVAL", by Henri Pardo -
Main actors : Rayan Dieudonné, Penande Estime, Martin Dubreuil, Claire Jacques, Tyle Epassy, ​​Jean Jean, Rykko Bellemare, Hana Sofia Lopez

Free admission. Info & Trailer https://montrealblackfilm.com/movie/kanaval/

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