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iciHaiti - Puerto Rico : Rescue of 11 Haitians abandoned on Monito Island
18/09/2024 10:25:24

iciHaiti - Puerto Rico : Rescue of 11 Haitians abandoned on Monito Island
Following a report from a fishing boat that people appeared to be stranded on the rocky cliffs of Monito Cay, an uninhabited and inhospitable nature reserve in the middle of the Mona Passage (between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic), the Coast Guard dispatched an MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter and diverted the Coast Guard Cutter Richard Dixon to confirm the report and provide rescue assistance.

Once on scene, the Coast Guard crew provided life jackets to the group of 11 migrants, (6 men and 5 women), who claimed to be Haitian nationals. The Coast Guard crew instructed each migrant to grab a life buoy while wearing a life jacket and jump into the water. Once in the water, the Coast Guard boat crew safely recovered each migrant.

The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Richard Dixon rescued all Haitian migrants abandoned by smugglers on the uninhabited Monito Island Nature Preserve in Puerto Rico’s Mona Passage.

"Preventing dangerous and irregular migration to the United States by sea is both a matter of U.S. border security and a rescue mission for those who take to the sea, not to mention the dangers and perils of the journey," said Lt. Peter Diamontopulos, Commanding Officer of the Coast Guard Cutter Richard Dixon. "The risk of death is not worth it, taking to the sea is never the solution, seek legal pathways."

The 11 migrants were safely transferred to U.S. Border Patrol agents at the Ramey Sector in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.

S/ iciHaiti

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