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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Registration for the UEH admission competition
11/09/2024 10:52:17

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Registration for the UEH admission competition
The State University of Haiti (UEH) advises the general public and applying them (es) in particular that registrations for the EUH admission competition for the academic year 2024-2025, will be held 11 September to October 4, 2024. Applicants can register in 3 entities to the maximum.

Inscription process :

A - Conditions :

1. Not being already a student at the EUH;
2. Hold your end of secondary school certificate or the examination sheet (NS4) of the academic year 2023-2024 (subject);
3. Pay the costs of 800 gourdes per entity;
4. Hold your unique national identification number (Ninu) issued by ONI (applicants who do not yet hold the Ninu must go to the ONI office with their examination sheets to recover it quickly).

B - Steps :

1. Pay first of all the costs of eight hundred (800) gourdes by entity to any SOGEBANK branch to the account: UEH/Admission request, number : 706054558;
2. Fill in the online form: www.concours.ueh.edu.ht/inscription;
The number of the payment sheet must be entered at the time of online registration
3. Choose entities (3 maximum);
4. Print the sheet;
5. Present tourself at the entities chosen between 8:30 am A.M. and 3:30 P.M. to recover the access sheet to the examination rooms.

Important : Any registration made with the tax identification number (NIF) will be automatically rejected. Only the Ninu is accepted.

C - parts required for validation in entities :

1. Two (2) recent identical photos (6 months) passport format (register on the back of each photo: name, first name, telephone and ninu);
2. Registration sheet;
3. Identity part (single national identification number);
4. Deposit sheet made at SOGEBANK for each entity chosen;
5. Certificate of end of secondary school or the examination sheet (NS4) of the academic year 2023-2024.

D - Documents required of admitted for registration :

Only applicants who have successfully completed the admission competition are authorized to submit the following documents in the entity chosen to take the courses.

1. Birth certificate or extract from the national archives;
2. Two (2) recent identical photos (6 months) passport format (register on the back of each photo: name, first name, telephone and ninu);
3. Identity part (unique national identification number).

Dates for admission competitions :

National Institute of Administration, Management and High International Studies (Inaghei): October 8, 2024
Hinche law school (EDH): October 12, 2024
Jacmel law school (EDJ): October 13, 2024
School of Law and Economic Sciences of Cayes (EDSEC): October 13, 2024
Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences (FDSE): October 13, 2024
Faculty of Law, Economic Sciences and CAP-Haitian management (FDSEG-CAP): October 13, 2024
Campus Henry Christophe de Limonade (CHCL): 14, 15, 16 October 2024
School of Law and Economic Sciences of Gonaïves (EDSEG): 19-20 October 2024
School of Law and Economy of Port-de-Paix (EDEPP): October 20, 2024
School of Law and Economic Sciences of Fort-Liberté (EDSEFL): October 20, 2024
School Normal School (ENS): October 20, 2024
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy (FMP): October 27, 2024
Institute of African Studies and Research in Haiti (IERAH): October 27, 2024
Faculty of Human Sciences (Fasch): 03 November 2024
National Nursing School (ENls : Cayes/Cap-Haitien/Jérémie) (Enic, Eindps, Einds): November 09, 2024
Applied linguistics faculty (FLA): November 20, 2024
Faculty of Sciences (FDS): December 21, 2024
Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (FAMV): December 27, 2024
Faculty of Ethnology (FE): February 23, 2025
Faculty of Odontology (FO): February 25, 2025

Reminder :
There will be no consideration or refund for the following causes: delay, violation of admission conditions and/or stages of registration, payment made in another bank or on another account.

It is mandatory to register online on the UEH website : https://www.concours.ueh.edu.ht/inscription

For information : admission@ueh.edu.ht/
Whatsapp contacts : 3574 9570; 4807 1249; 4421 3192; 4304 4668
UEH rectorate : 21, rue Rivière. Port-au-Prince

HL/ Haitilibre

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