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iciHaiti - Insecurity : Dominicans refuse to sell in the new market of Ouanaminthe
10/09/2024 09:31:26

iciHaiti - Insecurity : Dominicans refuse to sell in the new market of Ouanaminthe
Dominican merchants refuse to sell their products in the new market in Ouanaminthe funded by the European Union and assure that they will settle in this market when the situation in Haiti improves.

Due to the insecurity in Haiti, Dominican merchants in the border market of Dajabón refuse to do business with Haitians in the new market in Ouanaminthe.

A merchant stated that given the crisis in Haiti, conditions do not allow Dominican merchants to work on Haitian territory. "They have no security for themselves, how can they ensure the security of others ?"

Another said that as a merchant, he would not risk taking his goods to Haiti to sell them in the Ouanaminthe market because there was no real guarantee of security.

It seems clear that the words of Joanus Dufenede, Director of the new community market of Ouanaminthe, who were intended to be reassuring on the issue of security, have not succeeded in reassuring or convincing Dominican merchants.

See also : https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-43153-icihaiti-ouanaminthe-haitians-guarantee-the-safety-of-dominicans.html

IH/ iciHaiti

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