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iciHaiti - Humanitarian : Despite the context of violence, UN and its partners in action on the ground
06/08/2024 09:59:31

iciHaiti - Humanitarian : Despite the context of violence, UN and its partners in action on the ground
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) remains concerned about the protection of the population in Port-au-Prince and neighboring cities, as well as in the Artibonite department in the North, where violence continues to displace families.

Despite the instability and the context of violence, the UN and its partners in Haiti continue to support people in need.

Since March 2024, partners have distributed 29.5 million liters of drinking water to nearly 97,000 displaced people across the country, including in Port-au-Prince and Léogâne. Partners have also distributed 17,000 hygiene kits to nearly 70,000 displaced people living in these areas.

Since March, the World Food Programme (WFP) has distributed more than 1.6 million hot meals to 132,000 displaced people in Port-au-Prince.

Over the past two weeks, health partners have reached over 1,300 children with psychosocial and mental health support activities in displacement sites in Port-au-Prince, and provided water and sanitation support.

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