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iciHaiti - Humanitarian : 6 informal NGOs legally recognized
08/07/2024 09:51:38

iciHaiti - Humanitarian : 6 informal NGOs legally recognized
The Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation, via its Directorate for Coordination of the Activities of Non-Governmental Organizations (DCAONG), proceeded to the official delivery of Joint Communiqués to 6 NGOs which had been working in Haiti informally for several years.

Recognized NGOs :
"Annavan Ayiti";
Haiti 1;
Panos Institute (PI);
Center for Training and Research in Psycho-social Support (CEFRAPS);
Center for Refuge and Development of Children of Haiti (CRDEH);
Economic Search and Rescue (SAR-ESAR).

In her speech Bernice Kavanagh, Director of the DCAONG expressed her gratitude to the leaders of these NGOs for their commitment alongside state authorities, aimed at improving the living conditions of the population.

Wilfrid Trenqrd, Director General of the Ministry congratulated the representatives of the 6 organizations who respected the formalities provided for by the decree of September 14, 1989 governing the establishment, creation and operation of development aid organizations in Haiti. He encouraged these legally recognized development aid actors to work effectively to achieve their objectives in harmony with the State and to coordinate their actions with those of public authorities in order to provide lasting solutions to the priority needs of the population.

NGO leaders expressed their satisfaction with the organization of this ceremony and promised to respect their commitments by scrupulously following the established regulations.

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