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iciHaiti - FLASH : «Tanbou» residency scholarships in the cultural sector, call for projects
07/06/2024 09:39:16

iciHaiti - FLASH : «Tanbou» residency scholarships in the cultural sector, call for projects
The "Tanbou" project offers residency scholarships for young Haitians wishing to pursue studies in the cultural sector in France. These scholarships cover areas such as cultural engineering, performance techniques, as well as live performance and music.

Young people residing in Haiti and registered for cultural training in France for the 2024-2025 academic year can apply for these support scholarships from the French Institute of Paris.

Applications must be submitted before June 25, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), Tanbou is a program aimed at supporting the development of cultural and creative industries in Haiti. This initiative includes several components: the French Institute is responsible for professionalization aspects in the cultural sector, while the Fondation Connaissance et Liberté (FOKAL) is responsible for the creation and opening of the Fabrique des Arts, a multidisciplinary center dedicated to art in Port-au-Prince.

The laureates will be selected for 3-month residencies, allowing beneficiaries to develop a project in the performing arts or visual arts sector in partnership with a host structure. The selection of applications will be made after a call for projects.

Candidate profiles :
Live performing artists (dance-theatre-music-circus) Directors and scenographers
Visual artists and exhibition curators
Haitian and residing in Haiti
Age limit: 40 years
Proven professional experience of at least two years

Provisional Calendar :
Submission of application files: deadline June 25, 2024
Selection of latest applications: end of June 2024
Departure of beneficiaries in residences: from September 2024 for residences
End of residencies: July 2025

For more information : https://bit.ly/3yYAXHD

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