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iciHaiti - ALERT : New cases of tuberculosis in displaced persons sites
30/05/2024 09:52:49

iciHaiti - ALERT : New cases of tuberculosis in displaced persons sites
Health authorities in Haiti have reiterated their alert on the danger of the spread of tuberculosis, due to the overcrowded conditions in which displaced people in the camps live today.

Dr. Ardouin Louis-Charles, Director of the University Hospital of Haiti, urged the competent authorities to resume all services in the field of health to stop the chain of transmission of the virus.

The health situation continues to deteriorate in refugee camps. Several centers responsible for supervising the treatment of tuberculosis patients were forced to close their doors following the escalation of violence in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince "Many tuberculosis patients are taking refuge in accommodation centers and camps and we have identified many new cases. Unfortunately, we cannot hospitalize those who need it, it is also difficult to isolate them to avoid contamination of other displaced people," underlined Louis-Charles, a specialist in pulmonary diseases.

Louis-Charles urged the State authorities to do everything possible to restore peace and security, in order to facilitate the resumption of activities at the sanatorium and in all hospital centers, in order to stop the chain of propagation of this illness that could be fatal.

S/ iciHaiti

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