iciHaiti - National Diaspora Day : Message from the Minister of MHAVE 20/04/2024 10:18:36 "Dear friends of the diaspora, MHAVE officials and contractors dear compatriots, This April 20, 2024 brings back the 13th edition of National Diaspora Day (JND), a date which, despite the circumstances, must be marked with a white stone. The socio-political context currently prevailing in the country prevents us from properly celebrating this event, but that does not prevent us from remembering the fight and struggle waged by our peers to obtain this achievement. National Diaspora Day is the result of a decades-long fight. From the Brooklyn Bridge in 1990 to the ultimate consecration of the JND in 2011. In addition to being a day of reflection on the problem of the integration of the Diaspora in the public affairs of the country, the National Day of Diaspora must be a platform for discussions, a space for dialogue where public policies must be developed to promote better involvement of Haitian Diasporas in the political, social and economic life of the country. Last year, at this time, there were several hundred of us gathered in Cap-Haïtien, around local authorities and several representatives of Diaspora associations, to celebrate the 12th edition of the JND. It was an enriching experience, full of pride and sharing. My dear compatriots, For this 13th edition commemorated in the particular circumstances of a resigning government, we would like to express the wish to further consolidate this achievement obtained at the cost of fierce fights by our compatriots in Europe, America, the Caribbean and the continents. more distant. May April 20 now be an institutional celebration beyond the political, social and economic contexts of Haiti. To you, compatriots in Chile, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Canada or the United States, who are used to celebrating the JND, may you rejoice today and take full advantage of this day. May you continue to come together to protest, demand and obtain the fullness of your social, political, economic and cultural rights. To you, partner organizations, Haitian associations who work all over the world to strengthen your structures, we say courage, determination and faith. The MHAVE will continue to support you for better integration into the political life of the country and this will necessarily involve a constitutional reform which will grant you the right to vote and the right to be a candidate. This is my wish, this is my plea. Thank you." IH/ iciHaiti
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