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iciHaiti - UNESCO : Submission of the Haitian application for the practice of dance and music Compas
30/03/2024 09:58:07

iciHaiti - UNESCO : Submission of the Haitian application for the practice of dance and music Compas
The Ministry of Culture informs stakeholders in the culture and communication sector, particularly those of Compas music and dance, that Haiti has submitted the application file on the practice of Compas dance and music for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (managed by UNESCO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs through the Permanent Delegation of Haiti to UNESCO, and actors of the Haitian music industry.

Alongside several pieces of knowledge, know-how and practices, Compas dance and music symbolize our identity and contribute to our international influence on a cultural level. This practice has been registered in the National Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Haiti since October 21, 2019 and is celebrated in Haiti on July 26 each year through the national "Konpa dirèk" day.

The Ministry thanks all the actors in the cultural sector, particularly music and dance, and all the institutions which supported this approach for the submission of the application of the practice of dance and music Compas on the Representative List of the Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Compas candidacy follows the multinational candidacy of Cassave and the integration of Soup Joumou into the UNESCO list.

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