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iciHaiti - Dept. Center : Students made aware of the fight against juvenile delinquency
01/02/2024 08:51:55

iciHaiti - Dept. Center : Students made aware of the fight against juvenile delinquency
In order to continue to struggle against juvenile delinquency, the Central Police Department (DDPC) has set up a structure to raise awareness among students in the region.

This structure, made up of agents from the Minor Protection Brigade (BPM), agents working on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and members of the KDF, visited several schools this week, including the Lycée Dumarsais Estimé and Les Sœurs Salésiennes, with a view to addressing the issue of juvenile delinquency with the students.

The opportunity was also for this structure to provide advice to students so as not to fall foul of the law.

It should be noted that through this awareness program initiated by the DDPC, all schools in the department will be affected in order to allow students to learn more and get involved in this struggle.

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