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iciHaiti - Social : Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health
17/01/2024 09:25:59

iciHaiti - Social : Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health
Thanks to funding from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Haiti), the Haitian Youth Organization (OJH) carried out training sessions in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in the Center Department around the theme "Early teenage pregnancies and use of family planning methods" for the benefit of the Young Leaders of the Center.

According to the Mortality, Morbidity and Utilization of Services Survey (EMMUS VI), the Center is one of the departments in the country where the number of early pregnancies is the most alarming. This initiative aims to reverse this trend, based on this capacity building program in SRH for young leaders in this region with the objective of reducing the number of early and/or unwanted pregnancies among adolescents and reducing the number of unmet needs for family planning in the Center department.

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