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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Proclamation of the year of the environment
12/01/2024 09:17:51

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Proclamation of the year of the environment
The Town Hall of Cap-Haitien, concerned with the well-being of its citizens and the protection of the environment of the municipality, informs the population that the year 2024 will be devoted to the preservation of the environment and the promotion of development sustainability of the municipality.

Faced with pressing environmental challenges, and aware of its responsibility towards future generations, the Municipal Commission of Cap-Haïtien takes the initiative to proclaim the year 2024 "Year of the Environment" in order to raise awareness among the population and adopt immediate measures to reverse this trend of more than 35 years.

"This proclamation is part of the ongoing commitment to the protection of our natural heritage, the promotion of biodiversity and increased awareness of environmental issues. Indeed, our municipality is exposed to several natural risks due to its geographical location and its environment.

"This action also aims to encourage the active participation of all citizens, local businesses and civil society organizations in the implementation of sustainable practices to safeguard our environment.

"To this end, the municipality launches a vibrant appeal to all citizens, businesses, international partners, local organizations and Civil Society to collaborate with the Town Hall of Cap-Haitien as part of this approach to preserving our environment. Together, we can change the trajectory of our environment and preserve the beauty and sustainability of our community for future generations.

The Municipal administration will organize information sessions and public consultations to guarantee inclusive participation.

To be continued...

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