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iciHaiti - Installation : New deanship of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences
08/12/2023 09:39:15

iciHaiti - Installation : New deanship of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences
Thursday, December 7, Rector Fritz Deshomme, on behalf of the Executive Council of the State University of Haiti (UEH), officially invested in their position the members of the new deanship of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences.

Chaired by Rector Fritz Deshomme, the investiture ceremony took place in the presence of an audience composed of personalities from various backgrounds, including members of the Council of the State University of Haiti, members of the Cabinet of the Rector, of the Batonnier of the Order of Lawyers of Port-au-Prince, Me Patrick Pierre-Louis, of the Dean of the Civil Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince, Maître Bernard Saint-Vil, of the Director General of the Customs, Mr. Julcène Edouard and the historian Michel Soucar.

Professors who are members of the deanship:

- Jean Eugène Pierre-Louis, Dean;
- Pierre Caleb Deshomme, Vice-Dean, Head of the Department of Legal Sciences;
- Charles Alex Mathieu Julien, Vice-dean, Head of the Department of Economic Sciences.

The new deanship replaces the outgoing deanship which was headed by Dean and Professor Elie Méus, who spent 8 years at the head of this UEH entity. The new team has a 4-year mandate (2023-2027).

HL/ HaitiLibre

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