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iciHaiti - Justice : A member of the «Kokorat San Ras» gang extradited to the USA
22/11/2023 09:21:06

iciHaiti - Justice : A member of the «Kokorat San Ras» gang extradited to the USA
Following a decision by the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police, Jhon Peter Fleronvil, an active member of the "Kokorat San Ras" Gang, has been extradited to the United States.

Following a decision by the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (DCPJ) Jhon Peter Fleronvil, (32 years old) active member of the "Kokorat San Ras" Gang which operates in the Artibonite region, was extradited to the United States.

Fleronvil was summoned before a judge in the District of Columbia, where he is accused of the kidnapping and sequestration of four American citizens in the Artibonite department in July 2022.

Let's recall that Fleronvil was arrested on September 11, 2022 in Fort-Liberté (North) while he tried to flee with 7 other accomplices to the Dominican Republic across the border (Ouanaminthe - Dajabón) https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-37632-icihaiti-pnh-arrest-of-8-members-of-the-kokorat-san-ras-gang.html

IH/ iciHaiti

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