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iciHaiti - Humanitarian : The ICRC will create a new delegation in Haiti
20/11/2023 08:12:42

iciHaiti - Humanitarian : The ICRC will create a new delegation in Haiti
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) informs that from January 1st, 2024, a delegation of the organization will operate in Haiti, as part of a reorganization of its presence in Panama, where the regional headquarters is located of the ICRC, now a humanitarian entity.

The current mission in Haiti, until now dependent on the ICRC regional delegation for Panama and the Caribbean, "will be transformed into a new delegation for this country" indicated the ICRC in a press release.

The ICRC, which returned to Haiti in August 2021, announced in October 2023 the strengthening of its humanitarian activities in Haiti in 2024 given the crisis of armed violence that this country is experiencing.

The Committee will "prioritize facilitating access to humanitarian assistance for those most affected by armed violence," the organization said in its statement.

"In 2024, the new ICRC mission in Panama will maintain its operations in the country and continue to work to meet the protection needs of missing and/or deceased migrants and their families", as well as "its activities to promote peace international". humanitarian law and other relevant international standards."

This reorganization of the ICRC's presence in Panama is necessary given "the financial environment and in the context of complex economic trends affecting the humanitarian sector worldwide", explained the humanitarian entity.

IH/ iciHaiti

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