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iciHaiti - MSPP : Commemoration of Mental Health Day
04/11/2023 10:33:09

iciHaiti - MSPP : Commemoration of Mental Health Day
Under the direction of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), the Mental Health Unit organized two days of commemoration of World Mental Health Day in Port-au-Prince with the support of the Organization Pan American Health (PAHO), UN Women, the United Nations Agency for Sexual and Reproductive Health (UNFPA), the Spotlight Initiative, the Rotary Club of Pétion-ville, the Delegation of European Union in Haiti and United Nations Peacekeeping.

Participants at this meeting addressed topics such as the priorities of the Ministry of Health in terms of mental health as well as the national protocol for psychosocial care for victims of violence against women and girls.

The participation of around a hundred people from various civil society organizations, representatives of the Haitian National Police, United Nations agencies, universities, the MSPP as well as the Ministry of Women's Affairs marked these two days of constructive workshops around mental health in Haiti.

IH/ iciHaiti

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