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iciHaiti - Justice : Launch of public correctional hearings at CERMICOL
03/11/2023 09:33:12

iciHaiti - Justice : Launch of public correctional hearings at CERMICOL
In order to combat prolonged preventive detention in Haiti, the Ministry of Justice and the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) have developed a synergy to combat this scourge which constitutes a major problem for the proper functioning of Justice in Haiti.

As announced, special public correctional hearings took place on October 31, 2023 at the Rehabilitation Center for Minors in Conflict with the Law (CERMICOL) in Delmas 33. Three cases were heard during this first day.

Until the end of January 2024, criminal assizes without jury assistance and correctional hearings will be held throughout the territory.

During the previous week, important actors in the justice system visited prison centers including the National Penitentiary and CERMICOL. These steps are part of the process of decongesting civil prisons. Me. Emmelie Prophète-Milcé, the Minister of Justice and Me Jean-Joseph Lebrun, the President of the CSPJ, are convinced that the fight against prolonged preventive detention is an important step towards the reform of the Haitian judicial system.


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