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iciHaiti - Culture : 18th anniversary of the National Book Directorate
31/10/2023 10:58:08

iciHaiti - Culture : 18th anniversary of the National Book Directorate
18 years since the Haitian State, via the Ministry of Culture, provided the country with an institution dedicated exclusively to books and public reading;

18 years since the National Book Directorate (DNL), an autonomous body placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, has strived to respond to this noble mission;

18 years since the DNL has worked to make books and reading more and more accessible to readers in general, particularly young people, through Reading and Cultural Animation Centers and municipal libraries.

On the occasion of this anniversary, the DNL "Thank you to those who had the brilliant idea of designing and carrying out this project; thank you to the Minister of Culture for his unwavering support and thank you to all those who have contributed, in one way or another, to making this project last in space and time."

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