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iciHaiti - OPC : 350 young participants in the text and reporting competition on human rights
29/10/2023 10:10:01

iciHaiti - OPC : 350 young participants in the text and reporting competition on human rights
The Office for Citizen Protection (OPC) salutes the courage and motivation of more than 350 young people who participated in the 7th edition of the text and report competition on human rights, launched on August 3rd, 2023https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-40176-icihaiti-education-launch-of-the-text-and-reportage-competition.html whose extension submission deadline ended on October 22nd.

The OPC applauds and congratulates these young people, from the ten departments of the country, for their surprising determination despite difficult conditions, for having chosen to reflect on human rights issues and to propose recommendations with a view to improving the situation of these rights in Haiti.

This competition, focused on promoting a culture of respect for human rights, has the main objective of encouraging reflection among young people on human rights issues.

Participant evaluation :

First, the proofreaders, made up of university professors, lawyers and journalists, will carefully examine the participants' papers before establishing a shortlist.

Secondly, those pre-selected will have to pass an oral interview in order to explain the reasons for choosing the subject and defend their arguments. This approach will lead to the selection of winners in the different categories for the award ceremony scheduled for December 7, 2023 according to the competition activities calendar.

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