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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : The Town Hall calls for citizen responsibility
28/10/2023 09:41:59

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : The Town Hall calls for citizen responsibility
The Town Hall of Cap-Haitien strongly encourages the citizens of the city to fulfill their civic duty by respecting their tax obligations to support the sustainable development of the Municipality and that they are key partners in the creation of a more prosperous and more sure.

The Town Hall recalls that local taxes play a vital role in the provision of essential public services such as road maintenance, sanitation, waste management and other initiatives that benefit everyone.

To this end, the Town Hall recalls the following points :

1. Taxes support essential services:
Tax revenues, notably the Contribution Foncières des Propretés Bâties (CFPB) and the Patente, allow the Town Hall to finance services such as the improvement of infrastructure, the construction of leisure spaces, public security, the promotion of tourism, activities cultural and many others which are essential for our City.

2. Contribute to development:
Paying your taxes is an investment in the future of the city, which will contribute to the creation of an environment conducive to economic growth, job creation and improving the quality of life of all citizens.

3. Comply with tax obligations:
As a responsible citizen, it is important to meet your tax obligations regularly and on time. This guarantees the financial viability of the town hall and its ability to meet the needs of the population.

4. Transparency and accountability:
The Town Hall of Cap-Haitien is committed to using tax revenues transparently and responsibly in accordance with governance standards.

We warmly thank the citizens who have already shown responsibility by paying their taxes. For those who have not yet made their payment, we encourage them to do so as soon as possible.

The Town Hall of Cap-Haitien is available to answer citizens' questions and provide any assistance necessary to facilitate the payment of taxes. Your contribution is essential to building a better future for our city.

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