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iciHaiti - Cap-Haïtien : Exhibition, «Ayiti: Women, Vodou, Revolution»
24/10/2023 08:18:06

iciHaiti - Cap-Haïtien : Exhibition, «Ayiti: Women, Vodou, Revolution»
Friday October 20, 2023, in Cap-Haitien, precisely in the conference room of the Northern Destination Management Organization (OGDNH), the Opening of the exhibition took place, "Ayiti: Women, Vodou, Revolution"...

This major exhibition, which is part of the Project to create the network of museums and memory sites "Slavery, Resistance, Freedom, Heritage" highlights the role of Haitian women in the emancipation of Haiti.

This major exhibition, which is part of the Project to create the network of museums and memory sites "Slavery, Resistance, Freedom, Heritage" highlights the role of Haitian women in the emancipation of Haiti.

The public who attended this opening particularly appreciated the various works exhibited which go against the invisibility of the action of Haitian women throughout the history of Haiti.

This project is carried out by the “Haitian National Slave Route Committee” in collaboration with various partners such as, among others: OGDNH, the Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIN), Bozar Cap…

The OGDNH will hold its open doors from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, until December 2023, to welcome students in search of knowledge, art lovers, enthusiasts history who wish to view and appreciate this important and informative exhibition.

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