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iciHaiti - West Department : Following heavy rains, public works in action
23/10/2023 10:08:33

iciHaiti - West Department : Following heavy rains, public works in action
Following the heavy rains which fell on Port-au-Prince and the metropolitan area on the night of Friday October 20 to Saturday October 21, 2023, the West Departmental Directorate (DDO) began operations aimed at decongesting the road network and clean the canals.

Thus, cleaning and rubbish removal work was carried out on Capois, Cameau, Nicolas and Ave streets. Magloire Amboise and its surroundings, located in Carrefour-Feuille, Bas-peu-Chose, commune of Port-au-Prince. The work also affected the Canapé-vert area, crossed by several canals which overflowed during these bad weather. The interventions were directed towards Babiole, a district of Port-au-Prince, flooded by the ravine which crosses it.

Furthermore, in Cité Soleil, Ministry technicians were working to clean out the Lupp canal (3 BB) clogged with rubbish and sediment which caused the flooding of several neighborhoods. Streets have not been exempt from cleaning work to facilitate the resumption of activities and automobile circulation.

The West Departmental Directorate has also mobilized its resources in the rehabilitation of the Maïs-Gâté road by carrying out road reprofiling work. This type of operation is underway on the Clercine road, near Carrefour Rita, (municipality of Tabarre).

The DDO, the technical arm of the Ministry of Public Works, intends to continue and extend these operations in several municipalities...

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