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iciHaiti - Pan American Games : First silver medal for Haiti in Taekwondo
23/10/2023 10:07:27

iciHaiti - Pan American Games : First silver medal for Haiti in Taekwondo
As part of the 18th edition of the Pan American Games, which takes place in Santiago (Chile from October 20 to November 5) where Haiti participates with 16 athletes https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40741-haiti-news-zapping.html , the rising star of Haitian Taekwondo Ava Lee (25th in the world), two days after the opening of the Games, won the silver medal in the (+67kg) category.

After her victory in the 8th final against the Honduran, Sarahi Molina, then against Claudia Rayen Gallardo Llancaman (Chile) in the 1/4 final and Caroline Gomes Dos Santos (Brazil) in the semi-final, the Haitian flag flew proudly at her side for the final. A moment that will remain engraved in the annals of Haitian sport.

In the final Ava Soon Lee faced Mexican Soltero Garcia Leslie. A dawn for Haitian Taekwondo, our first Pan-American climax. Despite Ava Soon trying everything to win the gold medal, she ended up losing [0-2] to the Mexican and settling for the silver medal and the second step on the podium.

A first for Haiti since the medal won by judoka Joël Brutus in 2007 in Brazil in the +100kg category.

Congratulations to Ava Lee for this silver medal. By winning this medal, she also took second place in the America zone rankings. An exceptional performance.

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