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iciHaiti - Cap-Haïtien : Prospecting and GPS surveying of the Bois Caïman site
21/10/2023 10:03:54

iciHaiti - Cap-Haïtien : Prospecting and GPS surveying of the Bois Caïman site
A delegation from the Ministry of Culture and the Directorate of Estates of the General Directorate of Taxes stayed in Cap-Haitien, with a view to prospecting and surveying the Bois Caïman site with the Global Positioning System (GPS).

During this mission, the delegation had discussions with personalities and notables of the area in order to inquire about the current state of the historic site of Bois Caïman. The delegation visited the remains of the Le Normand de Mézy dwelling and the declared public utility area of the site including the Nan Boukmann area, the Nan Briz cave and the Manwèl spring.

Surveyors from the Lands Department also undertook the identification of the physical boundaries of the entire Bois-Caïman site with the Global Positioning System (GPS).

Should be noted that the last survey of the Bois-Caïman site dates back to 1998. It was essential to carry out a new survey of the site, this time with GPS technology.

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