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iciHaiti - Canal Crisis : The OAS mission awaits authorization from Haiti
21/10/2023 09:30:13

iciHaiti - Canal Crisis : The OAS mission awaits authorization from Haiti
After an information mission from the Organization of American States (OAS) met with the Dominican authorities on the conflict situation linked to the construction in Haiti of an irrigation canal with water intake on the Massacre River https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40754-haiti-haitian-canal-crisis-an-oas-fact-finding-mission-in-dom-rep.html , and visited by helicopter the border area, the OAS hopes that Haiti will also respect its obligation to receive the Commission and allow it access to the work.

In addition to receiving the members of the Commission which is part of the mediation offer presented by the Secretary General of the OAS, Haiti will also have to provide the technical documentation which supports the construction of this irrigation canal.

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