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iciHaiti - 217th : The Dessalinian ideal, message from ex PM Evans Paul
18/10/2023 10:16:05

iciHaiti - 217th : The Dessalinian ideal, message from ex PM Evans Paul
"On this Tuesday, October 17, 2023, we commemorate the 217th anniversary of the cruel assassination of His Majesty, Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Founding Father of the Haitian Nation.

More than two centuries ago, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, visionary and intrepid hero, carried on his shoulders the burden of creating the Haitian Nation and the State of HAITI. The name of Dessalines, engraved in the annals of history, remains that of a giant whose legacy lives on through the ages.

Thanks to his heroic leadership which led to the fall of the slave regime of Santo Domingo (former name of Haiti), Jean-Jacques Dessalines worked towards the abolition of this inhumane system and the civilization of the contemporary world.

Dessalines transcended the barriers of time, lighting the way towards a Haiti of greatness and prosperity.

Today, in homage to this pillar of the Haitian epic, we reaffirm our commitment to pursuing his dream, to restoring the eminence of the Haitian State and to promoting the quest for living well together.

The DESSALINIEN ideal of a Haiti carrying the flame of excellence must guide us towards the reconquest of our national sovereignty in all its splendor.

This Dessalinien ideal will lead us towards the realization of the following objectives: reviving the flame of our historical greatness, calling for unity, dignity, integrity and solidarity, to correct the decades of confrontations which led to the terrible current crisis.

Our common goal is to build a Haitian society where every child has access to quality education, where each individual finds their place and their happiness.

The reminder of our historical greatness urges us to unity, dignity, integrity and solidarity, in the face of the persistent situation of decades of national disappointments.

Challenges have always punctuated our journey, but Dessalines taught us to remain standing, strong and determined, in all circumstances.

Beyond ideological divisions, our unwavering commitment to Haiti constitutes the honorable way to pay a vibrant tribute to Dessalines.

Together, let us draw from the DESSALINIEN IDEAL, the benevolent inspiration which will allow us to write even more beautiful pages, in the next chapter of our Haitian national history.

Let's offer ourselves the mission of working assiduously for the rebirth of State authority, capable of proudly assuming responsibility for political, economic, environmental and social governance, worthy of the legacy bequeathed by Jean-Jacques Dessalines , who traced our destiny as a people instigator of the principle of equality between humans, with a view to the RENAISSANCE OF THE STATE OF HAITI."

Former Prime Minister Evans Paul (January 16, 2015 – February 26, 2016)

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