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iciHaiti - Culture : Launch of a project to support artisans in the village of Noailles
17/10/2023 10:24:03

iciHaiti - Culture : Launch of a project to support artisans in the village of Noailles
Monday October 16, 2023, Tatiana Villegas Zamoram, the Representative of UNESCO, and Emmelie Prophète Milcé, the Minister of Culture, in collaboration with the Association of Artists and Artisans of Croix-des-Bouquets, launched the project 'Supporting the community of artists and artisans in the village of Noailles to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of cut metal in the context of the security crisis and for resilience in Haiti".

Through this project, UNESCO will provide the means for artisans and artists to resume their activities. This project will strengthen the social organization of the community and the capacities of artisans and will support the development of new distribution channels with a view to promoting the intangible cultural heritage of cut metal in Haiti and abroad.

The main objective of the project is to ensure the continuity of the practice of the art of cut metal jeopardized by the insecurity which has led to the displacement of most artisans from their places of life and work.

This project is structured around four axes :

  • Allow artisans to resume, practice and transmit the art of cut metal, in an emergency situation;
  • Strengthen the capacities of artisans on the one hand, and the structuring of the community on the other hand;
  • Develop new distribution channels to provide artisans with resources that can last beyond the emergency situation;
  • Raise awareness of the intangible cultural heritage of cut metal, make it known and promote it in Haiti and abroad.

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