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iciHaiti - Politic : Important meeting of the PNH with a French delegation
15/10/2023 09:49:29

iciHaiti - Politic : Important meeting of the PNH with a French delegation
Friday October 13, 2023, Frantz Elbé, Acting Director General of the Haitian National Police (PNH) accompanied by members of the High Command, held an important meeting with a delegation from the French Embassy

Composed in particular of General Régis COLCOMBET, Head of the Directorate of Security and Defense Cooperation (DCSD), Commissioner General Henri CASTETS, Internal Security Attaché of the French Embassy in Haiti, Colonel Sébastien DORDHAIN Head of the World Office of the DCSD and Commander Cédric REBILLOT, international technical expert of the DCSD.

During this meeting, questions related to the strengthening of the PNH within the framework of French cooperation, in terms of training, provision of materials and equipment were points on the Agenda.

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