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iciHaiti - Hamas attack : Message from the Government of Haiti
11/10/2023 09:29:17

iciHaiti - Hamas attack : Message from the Government of Haiti
"The Haitian Government has witnessed with sadness and dismay the surge, in recent days, of acts of unbearable violence perpetrated by Hamas against the State of Israel, which has sparked a wave of condemnations around the world, to which he joins the voice of Haiti. Nothing in fact can justify blind and indiscriminate attacks against defenseless civilians, innocent old people, women and children, nor kidnappings.

Such an offensive inevitably has the effect of causing reprisals which risk leading to an endless cycle of violence.

This can in no way serve the cause of the Palestinians and even less bring lasting peace or promote peaceful coexistence with the Israelis. The Haitian Government calls on the protagonists to do everything to slow down the escalation in order to avoid a conflagration of the entire region."

IH/ iciHaiti

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