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iciHaiti - Gangs : Local fuel shortage, prices are exploding...
08/10/2023 08:37:19

iciHaiti - Gangs : Local fuel shortage, prices are exploding...
For more than a week, violence caused by heavily armed individuals in the North-East and Center has prevented the free movement of vehicles.

In Trou-du-Nord, Fort-Liberté and Ouanaminthe and in other areas such as Terrier-Rouge, Carice and Mombin Crochu among others, tanker trucks intended to supply gas stations are paralyzed, causing a shortage of fuel and many gas stations are closed...

A boon for the informal market which sells precious fuel at a high price. A gallon of gasoline at 560 gourdes at the pump sells between 1,700 and 2,000 gourdes on the black market, diesel between 1,200 and 1,500 gourdes and kerosene close to 950 gourdes.

TB/ iciHaiti

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