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iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #298
06/10/2023 10:21:46

iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #298
September 22, 2023: (latest data available, previous Ministry bulletin September 21 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-40664-icihaiti-cholera-daily-bulletin-297.html

Data calculated since the first confirmed case (October 3rd, 2022) according to data from the Directorate of Epidemiology, Laboratories and Research of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP).

Total suspected cases: 65,716 since October 3rd, 2022 +57 (Partial), previous +100
Total new confirmed cases: 3,888* cases +0, previous +8
Total hospitalized cases (suspected and confirmed): 59,087 since October 3rd, 2022 +35, previous +70
Total deaths: 879** deaths ((623** institutional deaths (+0) and 256** community deaths (+0)) +0, previous +0

*By extrapolating the average rate of confirmed cases tested over the number of suspected cholera cases since the start of the epidemic, the number of confirmed cases should actually be above 21,000.
**Institutional not updated for 10 days - Very partial and rare community update…

Distribution of suspected cases, total since October 3rd:
(Partial update by the MSPP)
Less than 1 year: 1,641 cases (+0)
1-4 years: 13,289 cases (+7)
5-9 years: 9,428 cases (+27)
10-14 years: 4,948 cases (+2)
15-19 years old: 3,731 cases (+1)
20-29 years old: 8,387 cases (+7)
30-39 years old: 7,066 cases (+6)
40-49 years old: 5,299 cases (+3)
50-59 years old: 4,026 cases (+1)
60-69 years: 2,945 cases (+2)
70-79 years: 1,767 cases (+1)
80 years and over: 739 cases (+0)

Men: 53.15% men (-); Women 46.85% (+)

Positivity rate by age segment:

Number of tests carried out: 11,381 +13 in 24 hours, previous +23 in 24 hours

Positivity rate (average since the start of the epidemic): 34.13%, previous 34.13% (=)

Departments with confirmed cases:
Artibonite, Center, Grand’Anse, North, North West, Nippes, North-East, West, South and South-East

Previous bulletin: https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-40664-icihaiti-cholera-daily-bulletin-297.html

List of Acute Diarrhea Treatment Centers (including Cholera): https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-37939-icihaiti-flash-list-of-acute-diarrhea-treatment-centers-including-cholera.html

Suspected cases:
Any person with acute watery, profuse diarrhea with or without vomiting and dehydration
Confirmed case:
Any suspected case with a positive culture for “Vibrio cholerae” or presenting an epidemiological link with a confirmed case of cholera
Hospitalized case:
Any suspected or confirmed case who spends at least 24 hours in a treatment center
Institutional death:
Any suspected or confirmed case who dies in a care center.
Community death:
Any suspected case who dies outside a care institution.

See also :

HL/ HaitiLibre

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